Call for Papers: Epigenetics in Kidney Health and Disease
We're looking for research that focuses on how epigenetics informs kidney development, health, and the initiation or progression of kidney diseases. Your research should define epigenetic mechanisms, use epigenetic modifying approaches, or develop new technologies in epigenetics.
The Editors are particularly interested in research that explores:
How epigenetic pathways contribute to normal and abnormal kidney development.
New epigenetic mechanisms that regulate kidney functions.
The role of epigenome dysregulation in kidney diseases.
New tools or approaches for studying the kidney’s epigenome or gene regulation.
The influence of sex, age, stress, and prenatal programming on the kidney epigenome.
During the online submission process, under the “Keywords & Special Sections” tab, please use the “Category” drop-down menu and select “Call for Papers: Epigenetics in Kidney Health and Disease”.
Manuscripts will go through single-anonymized (single-blind) peer review. Learn more about our peer review process.